Għandna l-pjaċir inħabbru li The Convenience Shop ta donazzjoni ta’ €10,000 lill-Fondazzjoni Puttinu Cares. Din il-kontribuzzjoni tmur għal dawk il-familji kollha li jiġu bżonn trattament mediku barra minn xtutna. The Convenience Shop jemmen fis-saħħa fl-għaqda u l-għajnuna li toffri din l-għaqda.

Dan il-ħanut jimxi fuq għan wieħed – il-profitti kollha jgħaddu dirett għall-Fondazzjoni Puttinu. Kull bejgħ li jsir f’dan il-ħanut issir kontribuzzjoni għal għan nobbli biex tonqos it-tbatija fuq dawk li qed jissieltu mal-kanċer.

Ibqgħu segwuna waqt li nikxfu l-isforzi tagħna sabiex ngħinu ix-xogħol imprezzabbli li tagħmel il-Fondazzjoni Puttinu Cares.

Flimkien qed nagħlu differenza fil-ħajja ta’ pazjenti ta’ din il-marda qerrieda u l-familji tagħhom.

Grazzi talli tagħmlu parti minn dan il-vjaġġ flimkien magħna

We are happy to announce that The Convenience Shop is extending a donation of €10,000 to the Puttinu Cares Foundation. This contribution is dedicated to supporting their unwavering mission of aiding cancer patients and their families during their medical journeys abroad.

At The Convenience Shop, we believe in the power of community and the impact we can make when we join forces for a cause.

In line with this commitment, we’re excited to share that in the upcoming weeks, we will be revealing the profits generated from our dedicated store in Ħal Qormi.

This store operates with a unique purpose – all profits from its operations are channelled directly to the Puttinu Foundation. Every purchase made at this store becomes a contribution to the noble cause of easing the burden of those battling cancer.

Stay tuned for updates as we unveil the results of our collective efforts in supporting the invaluable work of the Puttinu Cares Foundation.

Together, we’re making a meaningful difference in the lives of cancer patients and their families. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us