Thomas was born with a rare condition, NF1. After some tests it was concluded that Thomas had tumours behind his eyes that resulted in the loss of sight from one eye. Chemotherapy started immediately. With the help of the late Dr. Calvagna and all the staff at Rainbow Ward and Puttinu Cares, Thomas started to live a better life. Thank You Thomas for your example. This Good Friday help Puttinu #ThankYou

Thomas twieled b’kundizzjoni rari NF1. Wara xi testijiet sabu li għandu tumuri wara għajnejh u saħansitra ta’ sena u disa’ xhur kien diġà tilef d dawl minn għajn waħda. Immedjatament beda l-kura tal-chemo. Bis-saħħa tal-mibki Dr. Calvagna u l-staff kollu ta’ Rainbow Ward u Puttinu, il-ħajja ta’ Thomas ġiet għall-aħjar. Grazzi Thomas ta’ kemm tgħallimna. Fil-ĠIMGĦA L-KBIRA GĦIN LIL PUTTINU #Grazzi