Tylon and Zaylee are siblings. Tylon was born with cataracts and at 2 months he was admitted to Great Ormond hospital where he was operated 5 times in 9 weeks.  Zaylee flew to London three months after, and after that travelled a further 40 times to have interventions in her eyes.  There was a time when the family had to spend 3 months at a stretch in the UK, which wouldn’t have been possible without the constant assistance of Puttinu.  Today Zaylee is 14 years old and thanks to Puttinu she is well.  There were instances when the parents had to leave another two siblings behind, but Puttinu helped with this as well. The message of the parents is as follows, “We love you so much, Rennie and Angle. We can never forget what you have done for us.”

Tylon u Zaylee huma aħwa. Tylon twieled bil-katarretti u ta’ xahrejn daħal l-isptar fi Great Ormond ġewwa Londra fejn għamel 5 operazzjonijiet f’9 ġimgħat. Zaylee telgħet Londra ta’ tliet xhur u wara dan telgħet erbgħin darba oħra sabiex isirulha interventi f’għajnejha. Kien hemm żmien fejn il-familja kellha tagħmel tliet xhur sħaħ ġewwa l-Ingilterra u dan ma kienx ikun possibbli mingħajr l-għajnuna ta’ Puttinu. Illum Zaylee għandha 14-il sena u grazzi għal Puttinu tinsab tajba. Omm u missier Tylon u Zaylee ġieli ħallew żewġt ibniet warajhom, imma Puttinu għenhom b’dawn l-aħwa oħra wkoll. Il-messaġġ tal-ġenituri huwa, “Inħobbukom ħafna Rennie u Angele u qatt ma nistgħu ninsew dak kollu li għamiltu magħna”.