Din Ellie. Kellha sena u nofs meta ġiet bżonn trapjant tal-fwied. Domna sentejn u nofs ġewwa l-appartamenti ta’ Puttinu. M’hemmx kliem biex nirringrazzjaw lil Puttinu għax ma konniex nafu x’nagħmlu mingħajrhom. Illum Ellie għandha 7 snin u miexja tajjeb. Se tkun qed tistenna t-telefonata tagħkom fil-Ġimgha l-Kbira waqt il-Maratona ta’ Puttinu fuq l-istazzjonijiet kollha tat-Tv. GRAZZI
This is Ellie. She was 1 and a half years old when she needed a liver transplant. We spent two and a half years living in a Puttinu apartment during which time Ellie received all the attention she needed. We had no idea from where to start from without Puttinu’s help. Today Ellie is 7 years old and is doing well. She will be expecting your call during Puttinu’s marathon that will be aired on all Tv stations. Thank You