F’għeluq il-ħamsin sena anniversarju
Koppja helwa Rose u Paul Attard....F’għeluq il-ħamsin sena anniversarju miż-żwieġ tagħhom
Koppja helwa Rose u Paul Attard....F’għeluq il-ħamsin sena anniversarju miż-żwieġ tagħhom
Din hija s somma sabiha migbura mill grupp li jorganizza l Cake Sale
Ivan Grech has for the past years asked for his birthday gifts to be donations for Puttinu.
The Food Corner what a lovely gesture coming annually with their donation.
Grazzi lill-grupp mill-Gnien Taghna tal-gest mill-isbah u tad-donazzjoni sabiha
On behalf of our staff and our company Island Food Importers & Distributors LTD, it was our pleasure today to present to you and to Dr Calvagna our donation of €1,200 for Puttinu Cares.
Grazzi kbira lil Victor tal-Big Bun u lil Kevin Camilleri talli illum fl-1 tas-sena xorta ftakru fil-familji gewwa Rainbow Ward b’donazzjoni ta €500 u l-ikel ghal kulhadd.
First Christmas presents started to arrive for the children at Rainbow ward. Oh what a Christmas!!!
The Christmas Cake Sale in aid of Puttinu Cares is now accepting orders for Mince Pies, Christmas Logs and Fruitcakes.
€800 from St. Michael’s Foundation School. They were inspired by our super silent hero Rebecca Zammit Lupi ..... Thank you 🙏 ❤️