More than 30 families from the Maltese Islands go for treatment in 40 different hospitals in UK.   The most two hospitals used by the majority of patients are the Great Ormond Hospital which caters mainly for children and the Royal Marsden Hospital which specialises in treatment for cancer.  These patients spend weeks, months and even years abroad having treatment.  

Puttinu Cares has a dream – That there comes a day when no patient will have to pay anything for accommodation when they need to go abroad for treatment.  We are still half way to make this dream come true since at present, Puttinu Cares  owns 16 apartments near the Royal Marsden Hospital in Sutton (attached find some photos) which hundreds of families made use of them free of charge.  In all these apartments amount to 4.4 million euros out of which 1.4 million still needs to be repaid back.

Our main sponsor is the annual football marathon which is going to be held between 6 – 8 June at the Marsa Sports Ground where more than 800 football teams participate in 60hours.  This activity is held on a national level where we have media coverage throughout the three days and support from the head members of the state who all visit the marathon. This year we are celebrating the 10th Anniversary and our aspiration is that we will keep on raising funds so that we will achieve our goal to continue to help these families in need with the sole intention of easing their hard experience.